Monday, January 31, 2011


Nothing is as it was. There is change in the air. I am slightly afraid form the world and I think that the internet is being over commercialized to abuse it. the internet is being abused too much, all sites have tracking cookies and all major websites are starting to turn against their users to grab more information. Because Information = Power. The internet is starting to become too big anyways, there is only a very limited space for individuality, because even this blog will only become a teardrop in rain.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Relevant up-to date infos

As I was busy working away on a page about the communication with peripherals, this question occurred to me again - As there are probably numerous different ways to communicate with peripherals used nowadays, how reasonable is it to describe one in detail and say that this is the way it is done? Hm, but I guess we have to do what the IB syllabus tells us to do...

Anyway, I think we have to at least get some new books - the ones we were using mainly so far are about 6 years old... and even though thats not a long time in context of the earth's history, one can see certain... well... inaccuracies when the book starts to talk about something like CPU speeds or memory sizes.

So far, Jocbe

Thursday, January 6, 2011

My thoughts

I am not so sure if this blog is the right way to express my thoughts on the Internet. Well yes it may bring more publicity to our wiki but I do not know whether that is the right way or not. I think the wiki is a great idea and that it will help others out there as well as myself. Maybe this whole situation is a giant accident, but what can I say? I am just a writer / Internet-janitor.

If this doesn't make much sense I don't blame you


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

We have a new blog!

Welcome to our new Dresden International School Diploma Program Computer Science Wiki(spaces) Editors' blog! We are two students in the IB program and will try to protocol the things we are doing in computer science for the next two years. We are always happy to receive suggestions, questions, criticism, feedback on any of the topics we blog about. Enjoy!

Yours sincerely,
the DIS-DPCS editors Daniel and Jocbe